The real deal... one day at a time.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mindless method continued

So it continues-- but I will need a better weekend plan so I don't get myself thrown off track.
The one thing I can say is that I've kept up my promise to myself to eschew all eating upstairs in my house and have not eaten one thing in bed.
Does eating in bed sound as disgusting and vile to you as it does to me now?  I guess I'm just associating eating in bed with all of the bad eating habits that I want to change and finding it really an abhorrent thing to do.  It is working for me to think like that.

I am struggling a bit with getting my water in- and that seems kind of dumb, just drink water! (But I guess I need a more solid plan and to be sure I HAVE water to in bottled, because I won't drink the water at my work.)
The other thing is that I've been so successful with the no eating in bed rule, I know that I could come up with another rule: drink a full glass of water before consuming anything.

But that is harder for me than you might think.  I guess if it is a bit difficult and uncomfortable, it may be the right change?
I will go back and check-- I have the method's web address guiding me, and the questions on there that I need to review daily are:
Am I following my solutions?
Did I drink my water?
Eating healthy?

My solutions are:
1) Serve yourself in style-- and this has had the big morph into 'don't eat in bed'-- so it is not completely fixed or finished.
Other aspects of serving in style are using great plates and utensils, smaller dishes etc.
NOT eating standing up, not eating at my desk.  Another habit I really have to change.

2) Share your mindless plan-- I promised myself to blog daily.  Not entirely there yet... but doing it most days.

3) Turn snack time into exercise time.  
I am not there yet either.  But I am working at it, first step is this blog and the recollection that I need to get back to this solution.
The idea is to break the cycle of snacking and take a little walk, fold the laundry, clean a sink or something for a few minutes INSTEAD of snacking.

Back to it!! These are all so good and simple, and as the others on this website say:
Do them as they are give, don't take on too much at a time.
And they are right-- I've been riffing on things and getting confused when the solutions are totally there for me...

Here they are, copied from the website:

Share Your Mindless Plan
Tell your friends and family that you have made a commitment to your Mindless Method plan, and let them know the Solutions you're working on. Wear a wristband or shirt or other reminder and declaration of your commitment. The simple act of telling people will make you far more likely to stick with your plan. You'll also be more likely to get the cooperation and support of the people around you, which can be a very big boost.
Serve Yourself in First-Class Style Whenever You Eat
Even if you're only eating a few crackers, feed yourself the way you'd serve an honored guest - good china, silverware, folded napkin, the works. Pay attention to "presentation" of the food on the dish. You are likely to eat less and enjoy it more because you made a fuss and because it looks good.
Turn Snack Time into Active Time
Exercise at a time when you usually snack. You don't need to do anything strenuous, you just have to move your body in ways that don't involve chewing and swallowing. Climb a flight of stairs or two, take a short but brisk walk, or do some light calisthenics and stretching. You'll feel better than if you ate, and you'll burn calories instead of adding them.