The real deal... one day at a time.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I'm not gone....

I read an article in the NY Times this week about people who say they are 'busy' to seem important. Whatever: I am genuinely SO busy that I don't have time to do certain things I like to do-- like blog!

I am debating whether to continue-- but I love my blog. Trouble is that I cannot blog while at the place I go, there is very restricted internet access now b/c there has been all sorts of checking by the person in charge of internet usage.  Whilst I can still GET blogger, I don't want to tempt the fates and have that person looking at what I'm doing.


I did get an iPod and am thinking of maybe using that to blog, but I don't have Wifi at the place I go. Ugh!!!
Anyway: I am not gone, and my last weigh in was a heartening 165.3... I am continuing my progress in some fits and starts, but I know that carbs are crack to me (thx Barbara for pointing this out and Lap band gal for the reference!!)

More robust post to follow... but feel free be in touch on this blog even if I don't post daily... xoxo


  1. I was wondering where you have been! There isn't a "join" button on the blog though so I am not sure how to follow?

  2. I can't access or post from work either. All blocked. But I do read blogs through Google Reader. What I have done when I have time at work is write a post and email it home to myself. If you don't want to use the work email, see if you can use your gmail account. Or just save it to a USB key. Then quickly post in the evening. Sometimes I just write a post to get something off my chest and then never post it!
