The real deal... one day at a time.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Limiting the chaos with a plan

Here is today's plan-- slightly modified for today.
If I can get myself into the discipline of setting an intention for the day-- I think that would be great... so that's what I'll be trying!

A1) Smoothie for breakfast - all prepped and ready to go already! It is a 2% Fage with fresh strawberries and peaches; ~200 calories; 20 grams of protein and a great way to begin the day.  Will bring this along to work and have mid-morning.
1) Continue with the re-up of the 'no alcohol during the week' plan. It is pretty easy, a very limited 'sacrifice' and saves me hundreds of calories per day.
2) Allow myself dessert in the form of the Ghiradelli chocolates-- but eat it as late as possible, literally hold off until right before bed. That way, if I want more than one piece, the damage will be limited by my tiredness and wanting to go to sleep!
3) Stick with liquids in the morning-- wait for lunch.  (Anyone who doesn't have a lap band and conventional wisdom says this is a bad idea, but it works for me).  If hungry earlier, have a laughing cow light or a few spoonfuls of greek yogurt.
4) Eat a protein heavy lunch that works with the band: Tofu is great for me.  And try to get a fruit  or veggie serving in with lunch.
5) Keep at it, every day is a new opportunity to stick with my plans and do right by my body-- don't look back and regret, look ahead and plan!
6) Continue with the Nike fuel band-- I am meeting my daily goal, which is now 3200 per day-- I think I'll up to a goal of 3500 for the weekend.


  1. Way to meet your Nike fuel goals! And I do protein shakes in the AM also. Works for me.

  2. Great intentions for the day! How'd ya do? :)
